Services 2017-09-28T06:27:28+00:00

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Aqua Blasting or Vapour Blasting with the process of rolling media over the parent metal with a non abrasive action is the idea technique for automotive servicing and restoration. Aqua Blasters have invested in the highest quality systems to provide the most consistent and repetitive finish in the industry.  The finish speaks for itself with a uniformed light gloss satin finish to all aluminium, brass and steel components.

Aqua Blasting, Vapour Honing, Vapour Blasting, Restoration, Cleaning

Nissan CA18DET inlet runner, aqua blasted

Electrical connectors, plastics and rubbers can also be serviced and restored.

Aqua Blasting, Vapour Honing, Vapour Blasting, Restoration, Cleaning

Aqua Blasting Nissan Parts


Aqua Blasting or Vapour Blasting with the process of rolling media over the parent metal with a non abrasive action is the idea technique for aviation servicing and restoration. Aqua Blasters have invested in the highest quality systems to provide the most consistent and repetitive finish in the industry.  The finish speaks for itself with a uniformed light gloss satin finish to all aluminium, brass and steel components.

Aqua Blasting, Vapour Honing, Vapour Blasting, Restoration, Cleaning

Aqua Blasting Aviation

Turbine blades, mechanical gear drives and pumps to variable pitched propeller systems can all be serviced. The media density meter ensures a consistant finish that ensures it meets the specifications of aviation.

Vapour Honing Vapour Blasting media density

Aqua Blasting Media

Motor Cycles

Aqua Blasting or Vapour Blasting with the process of rolling media over the parent metal with a non abrasive action is the idea technique for motorcycle servicing and restoration. Aqua Blasters have invested in the highest quality systems to provide the most consistent and repetitive finish in the industry.  The finish speaks for itself with a uniformed light gloss satin finish to all aluminium, brass and steel components

Aqua Blasting, Vapour Honing, Vapour Blasting, Restoration, Cleaning

Aqua Blasting on Motorcycle

Engine casings, brakes, rotors, hubs, swing arms, carburetors and plastics can all be serviced to their former glory.

Aqua Blasting, Vapour Honing, Vapour Blasting, Restoration, Cleaning

Aqua or Vapour Blasting on Motorcycle components

Sub Sea

Aqua Blasting or Vapour Blasting with the process of rolling media over the parent metal with a non abrasive action is the idea technique for sub sea servicing and restoration. Aqua Blasters have invested in the highest quality systems to provide the most consistent and repetitive finish in the industry.  The finish speaks for itself with a uniformed light gloss satin finish to all aluminium, brass and steel components

Aqua Blasting, Vapour Honing, Vapour Blasting, Restoration, Cleaning

Sub sea Parts Cleaning

The finish assist with corrosion by providing a uniformed finish enabling a reduction in corrosion rate. The uniform finish also reduces high corrosive stress areas.

Aqua Blasting, Vapour Blasting Sub Sea ROV

Aqua Blasting Sub Sea systems

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