Aqua Blasting 2017-09-28T07:13:45+00:00

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Aqua Blasting / Vapour Blasting & Vapour Honing

Aqua Blasting which is also known as Vapour Blasting or Vapour Honing to name a few. Originating from Europe and America this is a relatively new industry within Australia. Aqua Blasting is rapidly expanding into many commercial sectors where quality and servicing is critical. Soon to be the industry standard for restoration and industrial servicing

The fundamental difference with Aqua Blasting is the implementation of water creating a slurry media under pressure. With water and glass or ceramic media the combination is ph neutral and non toxic creating a working environment that is stable with all materials. With the addition of water the cleaning action is extremely gentle allowing the media to roll over the parent material in a cleaning action. Unlike dry plastic which etches away at the parent material and produces a blasted finish.

Aqua Blasting will also produce a very uniform satin finish especially on aluminium items returning the material to as new casting appearance.  Perfect for motors, cylinder heads, sub-sea components, aviation parts, crank cases, wheel hubs, suspension parts, bolts, master cylinders, brake calipers and valuable restoration projects.

As the media material can be varied the gentle cleaning action of Aqua Blasting is not limited to metals and cleans exceptionally well with plastics and rubbers

Aqua Blasting, Vapour Honing, Vapour Blasting, Restoration, Cleaning

The key to aqua blasting is that the finish is produced through the flow of water borne abrasive. A finer finish is achieved due to the lubrication and flushing action of the water during the blasting process.

Dry grit and bead blasting processes are shown here in diagrams 1 and 2, which demonstrate the severe 90 degree ricochet that occurs when using these methods.

Diagram 3 shows the aqua blasting method and how the cushioning from the water along with the altered angle for the media, produces a lapping effect which travels across the surface of the component being blasted. A satin/polished finish is the result, desired and preferred by many industries.

The aqua blasting process is particularly effective for:

Cleaning of dies and moulds

Removal of pain, rust, scale, carbon and similar deposits

Surface preparation prior to bonding, re –painting and recoating

Satin finishing of stainless steel and other metals

Cleaning of PCBs and electrical components

Blasting in environments which must remain dust free

Describing how the dry blasting principle compares with vapour blasting or aqua blasting

Advantages of aqua blasting:

Dust free process

Cleans by flow and not impact

Simultaneously degreases and blasts

Produces a softer/smoother finish

The smoother finish makes the components more resilient to handling without leaving finger marks

Water acts as a lubricant between media and the component

Promotes longer media life

Avoids media impregnation on softer materials

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Aqua Blasters uses the latest technology and highest quality systems to ensure the best standard of service and quality in the industry.

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